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Statement of truth

Use: Deployed USWDS v3
The Statement of truth allows users to certify that the information they have provided in form is correct and true to the best of their knowledge and belief.



View va-statement-of-truth in Storybook

With Input Error

View va-statement-of-truth in Storybook

With Custom heading

View va-statement-of-truth in Storybook

With Prefilling

View va-statement-of-truth in Storybook


When to use Component name

  • To collect a signature.: This component collects a digital signature from the user to certify their submission. This component is used in the Ask users for a signature pattern.

How this component works

The component works by asking the user to populate the text-input field with their name. That name must match the name entered earlier into the form on a previous step. If the name does not match, an error message is returned.


  • When using this pattern, do not add the privacy policy checkbox at the end of the form. The user does not need to check another checkbox for privacy policy.


  • Place the component underneath the accordions on the review page. Do not hide this component inside an accordion.

Instances of this component in production

Code usage

Attributes and Properties

Property Attribute Type Default Description checkboxError checkbox-error string '' The error to be applied to the va-check-box element checkboxLabel checkbox-label string 'I certify the information above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.' The label for the va-checkbox-component checked checked boolean The flag to prefill the checked state of the va-checkbox component heading heading string 'Statement of truth' An optional custom header for the component inputError input-error string '' The error to be applied to the va-text-input element inputLabel input-label string 'Your full name' The label for the va-text-input component inputMessageAriaDescribedby input-message-aria-describedby string '' An optional message that will be read by screen readers when the input in the va-text-input component is focused. inputValue input-value string '' The value to pre-fill the va-text-input element PropertyAttributeTypeDefaultDescriptioncheckboxErrorcheckbox-errorstring''The error to be applied to the va-check-box elementcheckboxLabelcheckbox-labelstring'I certify the information above is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.'The label for the va-checkbox-componentcheckedcheckedbooleanThe flag to prefill the checked state of the va-checkbox componentheadingheadingstring'Statement of truth'An optional custom header for the componentinputErrorinput-errorstring''The error to be applied to the va-text-input elementinputLabelinput-labelstring'Your full name'The label for the va-text-input componentinputMessageAriaDescribedbyinput-message-aria-describedbystring''An optional message that will be read by screen readers when the input in the va-text-input component is focused.inputValueinput-valuestring''The value to pre-fill the va-text-input element


Name Description vaCheckboxChange The event emitted when the checked state of the va-checkbox changes vaInputBlur The event emitted when the user tabs out of the input vaInputChange The event emitted when the value of the input changes NameDescriptionvaCheckboxChangeThe event emitted when the checked state of the va-checkbox changesvaInputBlurThe event emitted when the user tabs out of the inputvaInputChangeThe event emitted when the value of the input changes

Content considerations

Error message templates

When a user doesn’t enter the name they entered previously in the form

Your signature must match your first and last name as previously entered.

When a user doesn’t check the checkbox for certification

Must certify by checking box

Component checklist


Examples, usage, code usage, content considerations, and accessibility considerations are all complete.
VFS team conducted research on this component which is linked from this page.
Component has been in production for more than 3 months with no significant issues found.
Multiple teams have adopted this component.


While this component has been previously tested against older criteria, it has not yet been audited with the updated testing criteria.

Code assets

Storybook includes all variations (style, size, orientation, optional iconography, selection, error state, etc.)
Component depicted in all responsive breakpoints.
Interactive states
Includes all interactive states that are applicable (hover, active, focus, keyboard focus, disabled).
All design attributes (color, typography, layout, etc.) are available as tokens.
Describes i18n attributes.

Visual assets

Sketch library includes all variations (style, size, orientation, optional iconography, selection, error state, etc.)
Component designed to work in all responsive breakpoints.
Interactive states
Includes all interactive states that are applicable (hover, active, focus, keyboard focus, disabled).
All design attributes (color, typography, layout, etc.) are available as tokens.
63% complete (7 of 11)


  • Complete
  • Incomplete
  • Not applicable
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Last updated: Feb 12, 2025