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Use: Deployed
A link is a navigation element that can appear alone, inline (embedded), or in a group with other links. A link can trigger a download, but in general links go to internal or external pages when clicked.




View va-link in Storybook


View back va-link in Storybook


View active va-link in Storybook


View calendar va-link in Storybook


View channel va-link in Storybook


View download va-link in Storybook


View external va-link in Storybook


View video va-link in Storybook



View va-mobile__link–default in Storybook


View va-mobile__link–attachment in Storybook


View va-mobile__link–calendar in Storybook


View va-mobile__link–directions in Storybook

View va-mobile__link–external in Storybook


View va-mobile__link–phone in Storybook

Phone TTY

View va-mobile__link–phone-tty in Storybook

Text (SMS)

View va-mobile__link–text in Storybook


  • Navigation between pages. Navigating to another page (internal or external).
  • Navigation within a page. Anchor, or jump, to a specific header and section on a page.
  • Trigger an appropriate supporting application. Make email addresses and phone numbers open the relevant app by clicking or tapping them.
  • Collections, such as Hub pages. Active links can be seen on Hub pages
  • Less prominent links. For links that need less prominence than an Action link and may appear in a collection, we recommend using an Active Link. Active Links have a hover behavior that includes a background color change and an animated right-facing chevron icon for more emphasis.
  • As a replacement for breadcrumb on:
    • Conventional Multi-step Forms that also:
      • Have a minimal header and minimal footer
      • Follow the one thing per page pattern pattern
      • Use the H1 element to represent the headline for the current form page, rather than the step title in the step indicator
      • Include only a Continue button and do not have a Back button after the form
    • Short Forms that has a small amount of short, concise steps. For example, the Pact Act Wizard.
    • Non-Form Pages where the current page was accessed from a related page and does not have additional navigation. For example, an appointment details page.
  • Adding an event to a calendar. Use when the link adds an event to a digital calendar.
  • YouTube channel. Use when linking to a YouTube channel.
  • Downloading files. Use for download links including but not limited to PDFs and Excel files.
  • YouTube Video. Use when linking directly to a YouTube video.

When to consider something else

  • Use buttons for actions. Use a Button when you want to make a state change or submit a form. Example actions include, but are not limited to, “Add”, “Close”, “Cancel”, or “Save”. Buttons do things, links go places. Refer to guidance on Links vs. buttons
  • Use action links for calls-to-action. When you want to draw attention to an important call-to-action (CTA) on the page, such as a link that launches a benefit application, use an Action link. Calls-to-action are not actions themselves (see the previous point).
  • Table of contents. When you want to make a long page of content with two or more H2s easier to navigate, use an On this page link.
  • Triggering the generation of a PDF. When using for a PDF, use only for linking directly to a PDF, not as a trigger for a process that generates a PDF. For generating a PDF, use a button.

How this component works

  • Use icons as defined. Icons defined in the link variations above are reserved for that distinct usage. These icons should not be used for another purpose without explicit permission to do so from the Design System Council.

Implementation details

If for some reason you do not use a link web-component links must meet the following criteria:



  • Open links in the same window, with exceptions. Links on should open in a new tab only if clicking the link will cause the user to lose progress or data. This should be avoided when possible. In all other cases, links should open in the same window. For more details, see linking to external sites in the content style guide.
  • Use appropriate encodings for email and phone links. Use mailto: for email links and tel: for phone links.

Choosing between variations

Review “Usage” for guidance.


  • Link opens within the app:
    • In a full panel if the content is within the app.
    • In a webview if the content is not within the app and does not require a separate sign-in.
  • Link opens another app:
    • In the browser app if the user needs to sign in to access the content or is being linked to a third party. Always use a native alert to warn the user before leaving the app. Once confirmed, open the default browser app.
    • If the user is performing an action such as making a phone call, getting directions, or downloading a file. Consider using a confirmation message (like a native alert or action sheet) to warn the user before leaving the app. These variants include the onPress logic for app teams, ensuring a native confirmation message is displayed when needed.
      • Attachment: Display the attachment in the app with the ability to download to their device.
      • Calendar: Display the event information to allow the user to review and confirm before adding to their calendar. Once confirmed, add to the default calendar app.
      • Directions: Display an Action Sheet to allow the user to select their preferred maps app (Apple Maps, Google Maps, etc.). Once selected, open the maps app with the destination.
      • Phone: Display an Action Sheet to allow the user to confirm the phone call. Once confirmed, open the default phone app.
      • Phone TTY: Display an Action Sheet to allow user to confirm the TTY call. Once confirmed, open the default phone app.
      • Text (SMS): Open the default messages app.
  • NOTE: The Link component currently does not support inline links. A Paragraph component will be created in the future to support inline links, ensuring proper text wrapping and accessibility in React Native.

Content considerations

Refer to the Content Style Guide on Links.

Accessibility considerations

  • Material honesty. Do not style a link to look or behave like a button (material honesty).
  • Keyboard navigation. The user must be able to navigate to links using the Tab key and activate links using the Enter key.
  • Purpose and target. Link text that doesn’t indicate a clear purpose or destination makes it harder for everyone–especially screen reader users–to understand where they’re getting routed off to.
  • External links must indicate that they are external. Follow the methods detailed in linking to external sites.
    • By default, the link component’s external link variation will append the text, “(opens in a new tab)”, instead of using an icon. This follows Techniques for WCAG 2.0 advice on providing users with both a spoken and visual warning that this link opens in a new tab.
  • Using links and buttons intentionally results in a more inclusive experience for assistive technology users. Make sure to read both buttons and Action Link guidance to determine when you should use each component.
  • It is important to use Action Links for calls to actions that link to another page rather than buttons, because screen readers always say “link” before links, and “button” before buttons.
  • A good rule is if the action changes the URL, it should not be a button.
  • Button and link confusion can be very frustrating for assistive technology users. A user with a screen reader may pull up a list of links and may not find a specific link because it turns out that it’s been designated as a button in the markup.
  • When a file download is involved, it is best to use the download link component. This is because links are intended for navigation, and downloading a file is a navigational action to a resource.
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Last updated: Mar 25, 2025